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Class KeyboardInput

Handles the keyboard events and provides an API for interacting with it easily. The simplest way to use it is:

  1. Create a new instance of KeyboardInput.
  2. Call registerListeners() passing the document.
  3. Call update at the end of every update frame of your game.
  4. Use the functions of this library in your code.

How does it work?

You need to call the update() method at the end of every frame to properly transition internal state. The workflow for this class is as follows:

  1. Browser receives events from the user and fires the corresponding events.
  2. KeyboardInput receives those events and updates its internal state.
  3. Update loop for your game runs and you can use the methods in this class to interact.
  4. At the end of the your game's update loop update() is called on this class. (or at any point past when you know you'll interact with this class)
  5. Repeat

Understanding key states

There are three states recognized by this class for a key: down, pressed and released:

  • Use pressed if you want to know if a key was pressed at least once this frame.
  • Use released if you want to knof iw a key was releast at least once this frame.
  • Use down if you want to know if a key was either pressed this frame or pressed in any previous frame and not released so far.

You may notice that in a situation where during the course of a single frame a key is both pressed and released, all three states will report true. That's an intentional design decision to avoid a very uncommon but still possible bug. Imagine this code:

 if (keyboardInput.isKeyDown("a")) {
     this.move({x: -1});

If for some reason your game runs slow (maybe it naturally has low FPS or it's lagging at the moment), if you pressed and released the a key during the span of a single frame as a player you'd still expect the move to trigger - sure, you released the key but you also pressed it. The code can't use isKeyPressed instead, because you want the player to keep moving as long as the key is down. You could work around this by expanding the condition to i.isKeyDown || i.isKeyPressed, but the issues are:

  1. You probably didn't think about this bug in the first place. Which is fine, it's extremely unlikely to ever be an issue for the vast majority of games.
  2. The expanded condition is less readable.
  3. The change on its own doesn't break anything, so you lose nothing by having it baked in the system.


  • KeyboardInput






  • get isAltDown(): boolean


  • get isAnyKeyDown(): boolean


  • get isAnyKeyPressed(): boolean


  • get isAnyKeyReleased(): boolean


  • get isCtrlDown(): boolean


  • get isShiftDown(): boolean


  • get lastKeyPressed(): string



  • flush(): void
  • Resets the internal state of this class to what it is during creation (nothing pressed, released or held down)

    Returns void


  • handleEvent(event: KeyboardEvent): void
  • Handles a keyboard event updating the internal status. This will be called automatically if you register the listeners via registerListeners. If you have listeners being registered somewhere else entirely and would like to keep it that way, you can manually call this method passing the KeyboardEvent.


    • event: KeyboardEvent

    Returns void


  • isKeyDown(key: string): boolean


  • isKeyPressed(key: string): boolean


  • isKeyReleased(key: string): boolean


  • registerListeners(element: GlobalEventHandlers): void
  • Registers the keydown and keyup listeners on the passed element so that the class can handle the input.


    • element: GlobalEventHandlers

      To avoid issues with focus it's best to pass document here

    Returns void


  • update(): void
  • Updates the internal state, should be called at the end of each frame.

    Returns void

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